Q Project Phases Embedding  

All of the readers may not be familiar with the concept ‘embedding’: The mobile telephones include many computer programmes that are an example of embedded systems. They have been constructed as inherent parts of a complicated system.

Likewise, the quality projects and systems should be deeply rooted into the core processes of the organisation. Embedding demands for intentional and practical use of the fruits of the quality project. In other words, concrete results will only be useful for the organisation, its staff and clients in case the results will be transferred into the daily lives and practices of the organisation.

The project manager may be satisfied with a set of concrete results of the quality project, but as Aristotle wrote: “The excellence is not an act but a habit.” In academic lifelong learning it is typical that permanent quality demands for permanent staff development.

This part of the tool analyses the results and making use of them. The main question that you should answer in this section is:


How to make it work after the project?

For answering this question you have a collection of resources. These include a list of supportive questions in "Planning Questions", a description of the relevant "Issues", some "Recommendations" based on previous experience and some "Evaluation Questions".

You can use some or all of them to clarify your thinking. You will probably find a certain order and emphasis between the resources that will suit your way of thinking.

After having a look at the resources, you will have a chance to write down your ideas in the "Wrinting Page" and to remind yourself of the most important items in "To Remember" .

You can use a "Writing Page" and "To Remenber" in every phase and they will be available to you next time you enter with the same login.

In every moement you can go to the "Making It an Entirety" and print the whole plan (constructed with the Writing Page from every phase) at the moment you decide.

Planning Questions

interno: Writing Page

interno: toremember

  1. In your context, is it better to organise a one-time project (e.g. evaluation) or to construct a permanent arrangement of quality?
  2. How can you assure that the results of the quality work support both the studies of the adult learner and the university that produces educational services?
  3. What is your idea of quality? Making use of the results is different if you construct a system of quality compared to enhancing quality through process or practice approach.
  4. It is not realistic to aim at all the results immediately after the project. Which are the most important and feasible aims in short time?
  5. When do you want to see the results? Is it totally up to the project or might you need the results at a certain time e.g. because of the annual plans or external audits?
  6. Might the university as a whole or some parts of the university gain from the experiences of your quality project in adult education?

The Issues

Making use of the results of the quality project includes all the activities through which the new solutions, tools and practices can be transferred into the working life of the key players of adult education and more widely within the universities. It is important to notice that quality projects are learning environments where the dissemination of best practices starts already during the project, not only after they ended.

  • Quality Guides and Quality Charters. The task of making the principles and guidelines practical, available and generally used within the central providers of adult education as well as all the active parties in the networks. (Lausanne and Porto projects)
  • Evaluation Reports. The task of transferring the findings and recommendations of the evaluation into the strategies, annual plans and working practices of adult education. (London and Turku projects)
  • Quality enhancement practices. Adult education seems to offer a context for pilot projects of quality work. Offering this expertise into wider use at the university may be useful both in initial education and outreach activities in general.

The Tools

  • Information packs. Handbooks, guides, evaluation reports. In paper format as well as IT applications.
  • Decisions, policies, working plans. Quality charters, adult education strategies, annual plans, project plans.
  • Dissemination seminars with key players. Consider co-operation over the boundaries of faculties and departments on the first hand and between actors in various roles (teachers, students, management etc.) on the other (Lausanne, Porto)
  • Continuous thematic task forces that work with the same general aim but with different objectives during the quality project and afterwards in the strategic process (Turku)
  • Education programmes. The quality project as such offers an opportunity for learning. After the projects the knowledge may also be transferred by intensive and extensive courses. (Geneva)
  • Working together with other universities (e.g. in international projects) offers versatile practices for dissemination from the start till the end of the project. Mutual benchmarking may be most useful! (EQUAL as a whole)



  1. In adult education quality can be permanent only when the staff is committed to continuous professional learning. Making use of the results calls for determined staff development.
  2. In the planning phase it is useful to define the results in connection to your initial motivations and defined aims (coherence/congruence!)
  3. Be careful to assure that all the key players can gain from the results of quality work including the students, teachers, tutors, managerial staff, the board of adult education and the university leadership.
  4. Make a plan and a budget for the task of transferring the results into the daily life of education early enough.
  5. Think of the results within adult education as a part of the results within university`s outreach activities and external impact in general.
  6. Beware the risk of carrying out a project that lives a life of its own or one that is experienced as "additional work". The quality work can be effective only in relation to the core tasks and activities.

Evaluation Questions

Evaluation Questions

  1. Will the quality project support your services for the good of the student?
  2. Is the quality project in line with the strategies of the university?
  3. Have you made use of the existing activities to support quality in your organisation?
  4. Are you sure that you will not cause additional fruitless stress for your staff?
  5. How can you ensure that you will remember the basic tasks of your organisation in the process of the quality project?