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Q Project Phases Model

The literature and practice offers you plenty of quality models and approaches.

Many of them are useful in a range of contexts and situations. On the other hand all of them will not be appropriate for all the potential surroundings and challenges. Therefore, you will need to make a decision of the model you want to use. It may be one of the models available or a model you want to tailor for your own needs.

This part of the tool analyses the theme of different quality models project. The main question that you should answer in this section is:

Which model should be chosen?

For answering this question you have a collection of resources. These include a list of supportive questions in "Planning Questions", a description of the relevant "Issues", some "Recommendations" based on previous experience and some "Evaluation Questions".

You can use some or all of them to clarify your thinking. You will probably find a certain order and emphasis between the resources that will suit your way of thinking.

After having a look at the resources, you will have a chance to write down your ideas in the "Wrinting Page" and to remind yourself of the most important items in "To Remember" .

You can use a "Writing Page" and "To Remenber" in every phase and they will be available to you next time you enter with the same login.

You can go to the "Making It an Entirety" and print the whole plan (constructed with the Writing Page from every phase) at the moment you decide.