Quality Guides and Quality Charters: The task is to make available the principles and practical guidelines and have them used by the central providers of adult education as well as all the active parties in the networks. (Lausanne and Porto projects)


Evaluation Reports: The task is to transfer the findings and recommendations of the evaluation into the strategies, annual plans and working practices of adult education. (London and Turku)


Dissemination seminars with key players involve co-operation over the boundaries of faculties and departments on the one hand and between actors in various roles (teachers, students, management etc.) on the other. (Lausanne, Porto)


Education programs: The quality project as such offers an opportunity for learning. After the projects the knowledge may also be transferred by intensive and extensive courses in conducting quality projects. (Geneva, Besançon)


Continuous thematic task forces can work with the same general aim but with different objectives during the quality project and afterwards in the strategic process. (Turku)


Quality enhancement practices. Adult and continuing education services/departments are often the context for pilot projects of quality work. Offering this expertise into wider use at the university may be useful both in initial education and outreach activities in general.